I’m a child and senior portrait photographer located in Milton, Georgia. I love creating fresh modern images, finding unique locations and making a memorable experience out of it all.
finding an awesome location for my next photo shoot…love it!
capturing that amazing photo that sparks emotion…brings mom to tears and dads too!
cooking with fresh ingredients…zest is key!
shopping at farmers markets, organic grocery stores and offbeat international grocery stores…lychees!
growing and eating spicy peppers…but never a green bell pepper, ew!
latest technology…I want one!
dreaming of creative inventions…patent it…darn they already make that!
peonies…they are huge!
saving a stray dog wandering on the side of the road…let me please please please find the owner!
listening to live music…admiring the pure talent!
adventure travel...where next!
laughing loudly…never taking myself too seriously!